




项目位于江门市蓬江区滨江新区,距离江门市商业中心 5.3km,毗邻中央商务区(CBD);融合洋房、高层住宅、商业于一体,江门素有“中国第一侨乡”,中国曲艺之乡美称,该项目在创新中融入了侨乡文化,极具开放性、包容性,属于华强全新的国际住宅产品系。项目秉承一贯高品质水准,引入新加坡花园城市设计理念,营造时尚、现代、简约的度假酒店式居住空间,做符合新一代年轻群体生活需求的产品。设计以自由流畅而具有律动的折线语言描绘勾勒,且丰富细化设计形态,希望传达场景的温度和生活气质。在材料的选择组织上,体现纯净、深厚、简练且克制的态度和情怀。设计师希望让空间流动起来,我们建立很多运动的画面进行情感传达。这些流动的空间吸纳来自白天的光线,在夜晚的水边,空间如蓝色琥珀般晶莹绽放。空间如流动的音乐随着光线变幻,空间转换,每一步转换都换来不同的音符,每个人心中不同的全景。这是一个没有边界的空间,每一个细节都是向外敞开的窗户与绿色与水和人的视线交融。流动空间是为了更好的接近自然,也让空间游览更接近戏剧化。人们在流动的变幻中不停的更换场景,但实际你无法看到“全景”。这是个巧妙的布局,因为我们从不同角度、不同视觉、不同心情中感受现实的图景,这些图景在每个人心中演绎成她们心中独有的全景。

Huaqiang international mansion is located in binjiang new district, pengjiang district, jiangmen city, 5.3km away from jiangmen business center and adjacent to central business district (CBD).Integrating foreign houses, high-rise housing and commerce, jiangmen is known as "the first hometown of overseas Chinese in China" and the lauded hometown of Chinese folk art. This project integrates the culture of overseas Chinese in innovation and is extremely open and inclusive, belonging to huaqiang's brand new international residential products. Adhering to the consistent high quality standard, the project introduces the Singapore Garden City design concept to create a stylish, modern and simple resort-style living space to meet the needs of a new generation of young people. The design is outlined in a free-flowing, rhythmic, polygonal line language that enriches the design and hopes to convey the temperature and quality of the scene. In the choice of organization of materials, reflects the pure, profound, concise and restrained attitude and feelings. Designers want to let the space flow, and we build a lot of motion pictures for emotional communication. These flowing Spaces absorb light from the day and bloom like blue amber by the water at night. The space is like a flowing music with the change of light, space conversion, and each step is exchanged for different notes, each with a different panorama. We assume that the building in the demonstration area floats above the water surface and is connected in series through different water landscapes. After several rounds of brainstorming and repeated modification, the final plane of the demonstration area is confirmed.
